- There’s some business about Charlie Sheen wanting to be Lindsay Lohan’s sugar daddy. I can’t bare to find out more. Do some research and let me know. [Socialite Life]
- Men answer the question: Do you want a cock ring for Christmas? Can’t wait to read those responses. [Em & Lo]
- Here are some dos and don’ts for doing butt stuff. [Ask Men]
- Brush up on slut-dropping, this awful thing college students in the UK are doing, which stole its name from a popular dance move. [NYMag.com]
- Confessions of a chubby chaser. She likes her men BIG. As in, fat. [The Gloss]
- Some more things to consider before you snap those naked pics. As if there weren’t enough already. [Gurl]
- This mother and daughter porn duo, the Sexxxtons, are making major bank in the adult film/web world. [Huffington Post]
- A guide to sexy lingerie for every stage of your love life. Is there lingerie for SINGLE? [Betty Confidential]
- This San Francisco porn studio is offering sex education classes for non-professionals. That would be fun learn how to make some of those silly O faces. [Daily Caller]
Charlie Sheen Wants To Be Lindsay Lohan’s Sugar Daddy & What Is Slut-Dropping?